Please always check directly with Exeter City Council for any current updates to these rules before making a bonfire.
Exeter City Council - Rules for bonfires on the allotment sites
Please compost rather than burn.
Almost any non-woody plant, including many weeds, can be composted; provided that the compost generates sufficient heat.
Pernicious weeds such as Japanese Knotweed and plants infected with fungal diseases like Club Root, Downey Mildew or White Rot should be burnt (when dry) or taken to an approved tip.
Bonfire restrictions
Bonfires must be individual only for each plot (no collective bonfires) and must be contained,
Bonfires are permitted only between 1st September and 31st October
Bonfires can only take place after midday on;
Tuesday’s and Saturday’s (September only)
The first Saturday of the month (October - March)
Bonfires must be extinguished, if not burnt out, by dusk.
Bonfire guidelines
Prior to lighting your bonfire, please move materials stored in autumn and winter to a new location, in order to ensure that any animals within may escape.
• No material other than that produced on your plot is to be burnt on site.
• Only burn when suitable weather conditions permit to avoid causing a nuisance to local residents (wind drift etc.)
• Only organic matter such as wood, prunings and dry vegetable matter to be burnt.
• Do not set fire to massive piles of material, it is better to start your bonfire with a medium stack and then add more material when it is very hot.
• Non-vegetable matter such as plastic, rubber, roofing felt or bitumen, carpet, etc. shall not be burnt. Flammable liquids such as old sump oil shall not be burnt or used to light fires.
• Extinguish the bonfire before leaving the site - do not let the fire smoulder after you have gone.
• Only burn on your own plot, do not light fires for others.
• In the event of a reasonable complaint to the plotholder from another tenant, or a member of the public, with regard to a nuisance being caused the bonfire must be extinguished immediately.
Please Note:
Any violation of times or conditions will lead to termination of tenancy. Exeter City Council will not accept liability for any loss, damage or nuisance caused to other plots or adjacent land, nor any injury caused by bonfires. Any such loss, damage, nuisance or injury caused will be regarded as the responsibility of the person lighting the fire